Distance Comparison: Bathinda to Kolkata by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Bathinda to Kolkata

Distance from Bathinda to Kolkata by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

When planning a trip from Bathinda to Kolkata, it’s important to consider the various modes of transportation available. The distance between these two cities can be covered by road, sea, train, or air. Each mode of transportation has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on factors such as time, cost, and convenience.

Distance by Road

The distance from Bathinda to Kolkata by road is approximately 1,700 kilometers. This route offers the flexibility to stop at different cities and towns along the way, making it a great option for those who enjoy road trips and want to explore the diverse landscapes of India.

Distance by Sea

Although there is no direct sea route between Bathinda and Kolkata, it is possible to travel part of the distance by sea. One option is to take a ferry from Haldia, a port city near Kolkata, to Port Blair in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. From Port Blair, you can then take a flight or another ferry to Kolkata. This option is more time-consuming but offers a unique and scenic journey.

Distance by Train

The distance from Bathinda to Kolkata by train is approximately 1,600 kilometers. There are several trains that operate on this route, providing a comfortable and affordable mode of transportation. The journey takes around 30-35 hours, depending on the train and its schedule. Train travel allows you to enjoy the picturesque countryside and interact with fellow passengers along the way.

Distance by Air

The quickest and most convenient way to travel from Bathinda to Kolkata is by air. The distance between the two cities by air is approximately 1,200 kilometers, and the flight duration is around 2-3 hours. Several airlines operate regular flights between Bathinda and Kolkata, offering a hassle-free travel experience for those who prioritize speed and comfort.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Estimated Traveling Time
Road 1,700 km Approximately 30-35 hours
Sea Varies Varies
Train 1,600 km Approximately 30-35 hours
Air 1,200 km Approximately 2-3 hours

Choosing the best mode of transportation from Bathinda to Kolkata depends on your preferences, budget, and time constraints. If you enjoy road trips and want to explore different places along the way, traveling by road can be a great option. If you prefer a quick and convenient journey, flying is the best choice. Train travel offers a balance between cost and comfort, while sea travel provides a unique and scenic experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct road route from Bathinda to Kolkata?

No, there is no direct road route from Bathinda to Kolkata. However, you can take the NH7 and NH19 highways to reach Kolkata via various cities and towns along the way.

2. Are there any direct flights from Bathinda to Kolkata?

No, there are no direct flights from Bathinda to Kolkata. You will have to take a connecting flight, usually via Delhi or Mumbai, to reach Kolkata.

3. Can I travel from Bathinda to Kolkata by train overnight?

Yes, there are overnight trains available from Bathinda to Kolkata. These trains provide sleeper and AC coach options for a comfortable overnight journey.

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