Sambalpur to Tirupati: Distances by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Sambalpur to Tirupati

Distance from Sambalpur to Tirupati by Road, Sea, Train and Air

When planning a trip from Sambalpur to Tirupati, it’s important to consider the different modes of transportation available. Depending on your preferences, time constraints, and budget, you can choose to travel by road, sea, train, or air. Each mode has its own advantages and drawbacks, so let’s explore the distances and options.

Distance from Sambalpur to Tirupati by Road

Traveling by road is a popular option for those who enjoy the freedom of driving and exploring scenic routes. The distance from Sambalpur to Tirupati by road is approximately 895 kilometers, and the journey takes around 15-16 hours, depending on traffic conditions and the route you choose.

Distance from Sambalpur to Tirupati by Train

If you prefer a more relaxed and comfortable journey, traveling by train is an excellent choice. The distance from Sambalpur to Tirupati by train is approximately 1,080 kilometers. Several trains operate on this route, offering various classes and amenities. The travel time by train can range from 24 to 30 hours, depending on the train you select.

Distance from Sambalpur to Tirupati by Air

For those seeking the quickest mode of transportation, flying from Sambalpur to Tirupati is the ideal option. The distance between the two cities by air is approximately 730 kilometers. Several airlines operate flights on this route, and the travel time is around 2 hours, including layovers.

Distance from Sambalpur to Tirupati by Sea

Although Sambalpur is not directly connected to Tirupati by sea, you can consider traveling by sea to nearby ports and then continuing your journey by road or train. The nearest major port is in Chennai, which is approximately 380 kilometers away from Tirupati. From Chennai, you can take a road or train route to reach Tirupati.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Travel Time
Road 895 kilometers 15-16 hours
Train 1,080 kilometers 24-30 hours
Air 730 kilometers Approximately 2 hours
Sea + Road/Train Distance from Chennai: 380 kilometers Varies depending on the chosen route

Choosing the right mode of transportation from Sambalpur to Tirupati depends on your preferences, budget, and time constraints. Whether you prefer the freedom of a road trip, the comfort of a train journey, the speed of air travel, or a combination of sea and road/train routes, each option offers its own unique experience. Consider the distances, travel times, and convenience factors to make an informed decision and enjoy your trip to Tirupati.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to travel from Sambalpur to Tirupati by road?

The road journey from Sambalpur to Tirupati takes approximately 15-16 hours, depending on traffic conditions and the chosen route.

2. Are there direct train services from Sambalpur to Tirupati?

No, there are no direct train services from Sambalpur to Tirupati. However, you can take a train from Sambalpur to nearby railway stations and then continue your journey to Tirupati.

3. Which airlines operate flights from Sambalpur to Tirupati?

Currently, there are no direct flights from Sambalpur to Tirupati. However, you can book flights with connecting routes offered by various airlines.

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