Ratlam to Tirupati: Distance Comparison by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Ratlam to Tirupati

Distance from Ratlam to Tirupati by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Road Trip from Ratlam to Tirupati

Traveling by road from Ratlam to Tirupati is a popular option for those who enjoy long drives and exploring scenic routes. The distance between Ratlam and Tirupati is approximately 1,500 kilometers, and the journey takes around 24 hours, depending on the traffic and chosen route. The road trip offers the flexibility to make stops along the way and explore different cities and attractions.

Flight from Ratlam to Tirupati

For a quicker and more convenient option, you can choose to travel by air from Ratlam to Tirupati. Several flights operate between Ratlam and Tirupati, with a travel time of around 3-4 hours. The distance by air is approximately 1,200 kilometers, and flights are readily available from nearby airports.

Train Journey from Ratlam to Tirupati

Indian Railways provide an extensive network of trains connecting various cities, including Ratlam and Tirupati. The distance by train is approximately 1,700 kilometers, and the travel time varies depending on the train and route chosen. The journey typically takes around 30-35 hours, offering a comfortable and affordable option for travelers.

Sea Route from Ratlam to Tirupati

As Tirupati is located inland, traveling by sea is not a direct option. However, if you wish to combine a sea journey with your trip, you can consider traveling to a nearby coastal city and then continuing your journey to Tirupati by road, train, or air.

Comparison Table

Travel Mode Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road Approximately 1,500 km 24 hours
Flight Approximately 1,200 km 3-4 hours
Train Approximately 1,700 km 30-35 hours

Whether you prefer the freedom of a road trip, the convenience of air travel, or the charm of a train journey, there are multiple options available when traveling from Ratlam to Tirupati. Consider your preferences, time constraints, and budget to choose the best mode of transportation for your trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Ratlam to Tirupati by sea?

No, Tirupati is an inland city, and there are no direct sea routes available. However, you can combine a sea journey with your trip by traveling to a nearby coastal city and then continuing your journey to Tirupati via road, train, or air.

2. Are there any direct flights between Ratlam and Tirupati?

Yes, there are several flights operating between Ratlam and Tirupati. The travel time by air is approximately 3-4 hours, making it a convenient option for those looking to save time.

3. How long does it take to travel from Ratlam to Tirupati by train?

The travel time by train from Ratlam to Tirupati varies depending on the train and route chosen. On average, it takes around 30-35 hours to complete the journey. Indian Railways offer a comfortable and budget-friendly option for travelers.

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