Distance from Pallavaram to Surendranagar Dudhrej by Road, Sea, Train and Air
By Road
The distance from Pallavaram to Surendranagar Dudhrej by road is approximately XXX km. The journey takes around XX hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken.
By Sea
Unfortunately, there is no direct sea route from Pallavaram to Surendranagar Dudhrej. As both locations are inland, traveling by sea is not a viable option.
By Train
To travel from Pallavaram to Surendranagar Dudhrej by train, you need to take a train from Pallavaram Railway Station to Surendranagar Junction. The approximate distance by rail is XXX km, and the journey takes around XX hours, depending on the train and route chosen. It is advised to check the train schedules and availability before planning your trip.
By Air
The fastest way to travel from Pallavaram to Surendranagar Dudhrej is by air. You can take a flight from Chennai International Airport, located near Pallavaram, to Rajkot Airport in Gujarat. The approximate flight distance is XXX km, and the journey takes around XX hours, including layovers and transit time. From Rajkot Airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Surendranagar Dudhrej.
By Car
Traveling from Pallavaram to Surendranagar Dudhrej by car is another convenient option. The approximate driving distance is XXX km, and the journey takes around XX hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions. It is advisable to plan your route in advance and consider factors such as tolls, rest stops, and fuel stations along the way.
Comparison Table
Mode of Transportation | Distance | Estimated Time |
Road | XXX km | XX hours |
Sea | N/A | N/A |
Train | XXX km | XX hours |
Air | XXX km | XX hours |
Car | XXX km | XX hours |
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is there a direct sea route from Pallavaram to Surendranagar Dudhrej?
No, there is no direct sea route between Pallavaram and Surendranagar Dudhrej as both locations are inland.
2. Which is the fastest way to travel from Pallavaram to Surendranagar Dudhrej?
The fastest way to travel is by air. Taking a flight from Chennai to Rajkot and then traveling to Surendranagar Dudhrej by road is the quickest option.
3. How long does it take to travel from Pallavaram to Surendranagar Dudhrej by train?
The journey by train takes approximately XX hours, depending on the train and route chosen.