Noida to Alwar: Distance Comparison by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Noida to Alwar

Distance from Noida to Alwar: Road, Sea, Train, and Air

By Road

When traveling from Noida to Alwar by road, the approximate distance is around 160 kilometers. The journey takes approximately 3-4 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken. The most common route is via the NH48, which offers a smooth and scenic drive through the countryside.

By Sea

As Noida is an inland city, there is no direct sea route to Alwar. Traveling by sea is not a viable option for this particular journey.

By Train

Traveling from Noida to Alwar by train is a convenient option. There are regular train services available between the two cities. The approximate distance by train is around 170 kilometers, and the journey takes approximately 3-4 hours, depending on the train and its stops along the way.

By Air

For those looking for a faster mode of transportation, traveling from Noida to Alwar by air is a great option. The nearest airport to Noida is the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi. From there, you can take a domestic flight to Jaipur, which is the nearest airport to Alwar. The approximate distance by air is around 200 kilometers, and the total travel time, including airport transfers, is approximately 4-5 hours.

By Car

Traveling by car from Noida to Alwar is a popular choice for many. It offers flexibility and allows you to explore the route at your own pace. The approximate distance by car is around 160 kilometers, and the journey takes approximately 3-4 hours, depending on the traffic and the route taken.

Comparison Table: Distances and Traveling Time

Mode of Transportation Distance Traveling Time
Road 160 km 3-4 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train 170 km 3-4 hours
Air 200 km 4-5 hours
Car 160 km 3-4 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel from Noida to Alwar by sea?

No, there is no direct sea route available between Noida and Alwar as both cities are located inland.

2. Which is the fastest mode of transportation from Noida to Alwar?

The fastest mode of transportation from Noida to Alwar is by air. Taking a domestic flight from Delhi to Jaipur and then traveling by road to Alwar significantly reduces the travel time.

3. Are there direct train services available between Noida and Alwar?

Yes, there are direct train services available between Noida and Alwar. However, the duration of the journey may vary depending on the train and its stops.

4. What is the approximate distance by road from Noida to Alwar?

The approximate distance by road from Noida to Alwar is around 160 kilometers.

5. How long does it take to travel from Noida to Alwar by car?

The journey from Noida to Alwar by car takes approximately 3-4 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken.

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