Mysore to Patiala: Distances by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Mysore to Patiala

Distance from Mysore to Patiala by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

By Road

When traveling from Mysore to Patiala by road, the approximate distance is around 2,225 kilometers. The journey takes approximately 36 hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions. It is advisable to plan your stops and accommodations in advance to ensure a comfortable journey.

By Sea

As Mysore is an inland city, there are no direct sea routes to Patiala. Therefore, traveling by sea is not a viable option for this particular journey.

By Train

Traveling by train from Mysore to Patiala involves multiple transfers and can take around 40-45 hours. Passengers can board a train from Mysore Junction and make their way to Patiala Junction via connecting trains at major railway stations. It is important to check the train schedules and book tickets in advance to ensure a smooth journey.

By Air

The fastest and most convenient way to travel from Mysore to Patiala is by air. There are no direct flights between the two cities, but passengers can take a flight from Mysore Airport to Chandigarh Airport, which is the closest airport to Patiala. The approximate flight duration is around 3-4 hours, including layovers. From Chandigarh, Patiala can be reached by road or train, which takes approximately 1-2 hours.

Comparison Table: Distances and Traveling Time

Mode of Transportation Distance Traveling Time
Road 2,225 km 36 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train N/A 40-45 hours
Air N/A Approximately 4-6 hours

Considering the distances and traveling time, it is evident that traveling by road or air is the most feasible option when journeying from Mysore to Patiala. Road travel offers the flexibility of making stops along the way, while air travel provides a quicker and more convenient option for those looking to reach their destination faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct train from Mysore to Patiala?

No, there is no direct train from Mysore to Patiala. Passengers need to take connecting trains at major railway stations to reach Patiala.

2. Are there any direct flights from Mysore to Patiala?

No, there are no direct flights from Mysore to Patiala. Passengers can take a flight from Mysore Airport to Chandigarh Airport and then travel to Patiala by road or train.

3. How can I plan my road trip from Mysore to Patiala?

To plan your road trip from Mysore to Patiala, consider mapping out your route, estimating travel time, and pre-booking accommodations along the way. It is also advisable to check for any road closures or construction updates before embarking on your journey.

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