Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara: Distance Comparison by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara

Distance from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

By Road

The distance from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara by road is approximately 840 kilometers. The journey takes around 16-18 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken. It is advisable to plan your travel and consider making stops along the way for rest and refreshments.

By Sea

As Muzaffarpur and Bhatpara are located inland, there is no direct sea route available for travel between the two cities. Sea travel is not a feasible option in this case.

By Train

The distance from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara by train is approximately 1,100 kilometers. There are no direct trains connecting these two cities. However, you can opt for a train journey by taking a train from Muzaffarpur to Kolkata, and then from Kolkata to Bhatpara. The total travel time can vary between 20-24 hours, depending on the train schedules and connections.

By Air

The distance from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara by air is approximately 600 kilometers. The most convenient way to travel is to take a flight from Muzaffarpur to Kolkata, and then either fly directly to Bhatpara or take a connecting flight. The total travel time, including layovers, can range from 4-6 hours.

By Car

The distance from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara by car is approximately 840 kilometers, similar to the road distance mentioned earlier. The journey duration may vary depending on the traffic conditions, road quality, and the chosen route. It is recommended to plan your travel in advance, carry necessary documents, and ensure the vehicle is in good condition for a safe and comfortable journey.

Comparison Table: Distances and Travel Time

Mode of Travel Distance Travel Time
Road 840 km 16-18 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train 1,100 km 20-24 hours
Air 600 km 4-6 hours
Car 840 km Varies

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara by sea?

No, there is no direct sea route available between Muzaffarpur and Bhatpara as both cities are located inland.

2. Are there direct trains connecting Muzaffarpur and Bhatpara?

No, there are no direct trains connecting Muzaffarpur and Bhatpara. You can opt for train travel by taking a train from Muzaffarpur to Kolkata, and then from Kolkata to Bhatpara.

3. How long does it take to travel from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara by air?

The total travel time from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara by air, including layovers, can range from 4-6 hours.

4. What is the approximate travel time by car from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara?

The travel time by car from Muzaffarpur to Bhatpara is approximately 16-18 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the chosen route.

5. Is it necessary to plan my travel in advance?

Yes, it is advisable to plan your travel in advance, especially when traveling long distances. This helps ensure a smoother journey and allows you to make necessary arrangements for accommodations and stops along the way.

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