Modes of Transportation: Mumbai to Bhiwandi Distance Comparison

distance from Mumbai to Bhiwandi

Distance from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

When planning a trip from Mumbai to Bhiwandi, it’s essential to consider the various modes of transportation available. The distance between these two cities can be covered by road, sea, train, or air, each offering its advantages and travel durations. Let’s explore the distances and options in detail:

Distance from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by Road

The distance from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by road is approximately 35 kilometers. The journey takes around 1 hour, depending on traffic conditions. The route usually follows the NH160, offering a smooth and scenic drive through the outskirts of Mumbai.

Distance from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by Sea

Since Bhiwandi is an inland city, traveling by sea is not a feasible option.

Distance from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by Train

Traveling by train from Mumbai to Bhiwandi is a convenient option. Bhiwandi Road Railway Station serves as the nearest railway station to Bhiwandi. The distance between Mumbai and Bhiwandi by train is approximately 45 kilometers. The journey usually takes around 2 hours, depending on the train and route chosen.

Distance from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by Air

Although Bhiwandi does not have its airport, the nearest airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai. The distance from Mumbai Airport to Bhiwandi is approximately 40 kilometers. Traveling by air is the fastest option, taking around 30 minutes, excluding airport procedures and travel to/from the airport.

Comparison of Traveling Modes

Mode of Transportation Distance Travel Time
Road 35 kilometers 1 hour
Train 45 kilometers 2 hours
Air 40 kilometers 30 minutes

When planning your journey from Mumbai to Bhiwandi, consider the distances and travel durations of each mode of transportation. If you prefer a scenic drive, opt for the road. For a convenient and affordable option, choose the train. If time is of the essence, flying is the fastest way to reach your destination.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by sea?

No, traveling by sea is not a viable option as Bhiwandi is an inland city.

2. What is the approximate distance from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by road?

The distance from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by road is approximately 35 kilometers.

3. How long does it take to travel from Mumbai to Bhiwandi by train?

The train journey from Mumbai to Bhiwandi usually takes around 2 hours, depending on the train and route selected.

4. Is there an airport in Bhiwandi?

No, Bhiwandi does not have its airport. The nearest airport is Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai.

5. How long does it take to travel from Mumbai Airport to Bhiwandi by air?

The air travel time from Mumbai Airport to Bhiwandi is approximately 30 minutes, excluding airport procedures and travel to/from the airport.

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