Modes of Transportation: Bangalore to Rampur Distance Comparison

distance from Bangalore to Rampur

Distance from Bangalore to Rampur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

When planning a journey from Bangalore to Rampur, it’s essential to consider the different modes of transportation available. Here, we explore the distances between these two destinations by road, sea, train, and air, providing you with the information you need to make an informed choice.


1. Distance from Bangalore to Rampur by Road

The distance between Bangalore and Rampur by road is approximately 1,850 kilometers. This route offers the flexibility to explore various cities and towns along the way, making it a popular choice for those who enjoy road trips.

2. Distance from Bangalore to Rampur by Sea

As Rampur is an inland city, there are no direct sea routes available. However, if you are interested in a coastal journey, you can travel from Bangalore to a nearby coastal city, such as Chennai or Mangalore, and then proceed to Rampur by road.

3. Distance from Bangalore to Rampur by Train

The distance between Bangalore and Rampur by train is approximately 1,950 kilometers. There are several train options available, and this mode of transportation offers a comfortable and scenic journey through the Indian countryside.

4. Distance from Bangalore to Rampur by Air

The quickest way to travel from Bangalore to Rampur is by air. The distance between the two cities by flight is approximately 1,250 kilometers, and the travel time is significantly reduced. Several airlines operate flights between Bangalore and Rampur, providing convenient options for travelers.

5. Distance from Bangalore to Rampur by Car

By car, the distance between Bangalore and Rampur is approximately 1,850 kilometers, similar to the road distance. Traveling by car allows you to have the freedom to stop at various attractions and enjoy the scenic beauty of the route.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road 1,850 kilometers Approximately 30 hours
Sea + Road N/A N/A
Train 1,950 kilometers Approximately 40-45 hours
Air 1,250 kilometers Approximately 2-3 hours
Car 1,850 kilometers Approximately 30 hours

When planning your journey from Bangalore to Rampur, it’s crucial to consider the distances and travel times of the various transportation options available. Whether you prefer a leisurely road trip, a scenic train journey, or a quick flight, there are choices to suit every traveler’s needs and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Bangalore to Rampur by sea?

No, Rampur is an inland city, and there are no direct sea routes available. However, you can travel to nearby coastal cities like Chennai or Mangalore and proceed to Rampur by road.

2. How long does it take to travel from Bangalore to Rampur by train?

The estimated travel time by train from Bangalore to Rampur is approximately 40 to 45 hours, depending on the train and route chosen.

3. Are there direct flights from Bangalore to Rampur?

Yes, several airlines operate direct flights between Bangalore and Rampur. The travel time by air is approximately 2 to 3 hours.

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