Meerut to Jalandhar: Distances by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Meerut to Jalandhar

Distance from Meerut to Jalandhar by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Road Distance from Meerut to Jalandhar

When traveling from Meerut to Jalandhar by road, the approximate distance is 400 kilometers. The journey takes around 7-8 hours, depending on the traffic and the route taken. The most common route is to take National Highway 44 (NH44) and National Highway 3 (NH3), which offers a scenic drive through the countryside.

Flight Distance from Meerut to Jalandhar

If you prefer to travel by air, the distance from Meerut to Jalandhar is approximately 370 kilometers. The fastest way to reach Jalandhar is to take a flight from Delhi, as there are no direct flights from Meerut. The flight duration is around 1 hour, making it the quickest option for traveling between the two cities.

Train Distance from Meerut to Jalandhar

Traveling by train is another convenient option. The approximate distance from Meerut to Jalandhar by train is 450 kilometers. There are several trains available that connect these two cities, with the journey taking approximately 8-9 hours, depending on the train and route chosen. It is advisable to check the train schedules and book your tickets in advance.

Sea Distance from Meerut to Jalandhar

As Meerut is an inland city, there is no direct sea route to Jalandhar. Therefore, traveling by sea is not a feasible option for this particular journey.

Comparison Table

Mode of Travel Distance Approx. Travel Time
Road 400 km 7-8 hours
Flight 370 km 1 hour
Train 450 km 8-9 hours

When traveling from Meerut to Jalandhar, you have multiple options to choose from depending on your preferences and requirements. If you prefer a faster journey, flying is the best option, taking only around 1 hour. However, if you enjoy road trips and want to experience the scenic beauty of the countryside, traveling by road is a great choice, although it takes around 7-8 hours. Trains are also a convenient mode of transportation, offering a comfortable journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Meerut to Jalandhar by sea?

No, as Meerut is an inland city, there are no direct sea routes to Jalandhar. Sea travel is not an option for this journey.

2. Which is the fastest way to travel from Meerut to Jalandhar?

The fastest way to travel from Meerut to Jalandhar is by taking a flight. It takes approximately 1 hour to reach Jalandhar from Delhi by air.

3. How long does it take to travel from Meerut to Jalandhar by train?

The train journey from Meerut to Jalandhar takes approximately 8-9 hours, depending on the train and route chosen. It is advisable to check the train schedules and book your tickets in advance.

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