Ludhiana to Saharanpur: Distances by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Ludhiana to Saharanpur

Distance from Ludhiana to Saharanpur by Road, Sea, Train and Air

When it comes to traveling from Ludhiana to Saharanpur, there are various modes of transportation available. Depending on your preferences and requirements, you can choose to travel by road, sea, train, or air. Each mode of transport offers a different experience and has its own advantages.

Distance by Road

The distance from Ludhiana to Saharanpur by road is approximately 140 kilometers. The journey takes around 3-4 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route you choose. It is a convenient option for those who enjoy road trips and prefer the flexibility of self-driving or hiring a taxi.

Distance by Train

Traveling by train is another popular option to reach Saharanpur from Ludhiana. The distance between the two cities by train is approximately 160 kilometers. There are several trains available that operate on this route, offering a comfortable and affordable mode of transportation. The journey duration varies between 2-3 hours, depending on the train you choose.

Distance by Air

If you prefer a faster mode of transportation, traveling by air is the best option. The nearest airport to Ludhiana is the Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport in Amritsar, which is approximately 110 kilometers away. From Amritsar, you can take a flight to the Dehradun Airport, which is around 80 kilometers from Saharanpur. The total travel time, including the flight and ground transportation, is approximately 3-4 hours.

Distance by Sea

As Saharanpur is a landlocked city, traveling by sea is not a feasible option. It is important to note that Saharanpur is located in the northern part of India, far away from any major water bodies.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road 140 kilometers 3-4 hours
Train 160 kilometers 2-3 hours
Air Approx. 190 kilometers 3-4 hours

Now that you know the distances from Ludhiana to Saharanpur by various modes of transportation, you can plan your journey accordingly. Whether you prefer the convenience of road travel, the comfort of train journeys, or the speed of air travel, there is an option available to suit your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel from Ludhiana to Saharanpur by sea?

No, traveling by sea is not a feasible option as Saharanpur is a landlocked city.

2. How long does it take to travel from Ludhiana to Saharanpur by road?

The journey by road takes approximately 3-4 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route chosen.

3. Are there direct flights available from Ludhiana to Saharanpur?

No, there are no direct flights available. The nearest airport to Ludhiana is in Amritsar, and from there, you can take a flight to Dehradun, which is close to Saharanpur.

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