Hajipur to Bhagalpur: Distances by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Hajipur to Bhagalpur

Distance from Hajipur to Bhagalpur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

When it comes to traveling from Hajipur to Bhagalpur, you have multiple options to choose from. Whether you prefer the convenience of a road trip, the speed of air travel, the scenic beauty of a sea voyage, or the comfort of a train journey, each mode of transportation offers a unique experience. Let’s explore the distances and estimated travel times for each option.

Distances and Travel Options

1. Road

The distance from Hajipur to Bhagalpur by road is approximately 223 kilometers. The journey takes around 5-6 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route you choose. The road trip offers the flexibility to stop at various towns and cities along the way, allowing you to explore the cultural and historical richness of the region.

2. Train

Traveling by train is a popular choice for many people due to its affordability and convenience. The distance between Hajipur and Bhagalpur by train is around 242 kilometers. The journey takes approximately 5-6 hours, depending on the train schedule and any potential delays. Trains provide a comfortable and scenic journey through the picturesque landscapes of Bihar.

3. Air

If you prefer to reach Bhagalpur quickly, air travel is the best option. The distance between Hajipur and Bhagalpur by air is approximately 179 kilometers. Direct flights are available from Patna, which is the nearest major airport. The flight duration is around 1 hour, making it the fastest mode of transportation. However, it’s important to consider factors like flight availability and ticket prices.

4. Sea

Since Bhagalpur is not located near a major water body, traveling by sea is not a viable option for reaching the city.

Comparison Table

Travel Option Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road 223 kilometers 5-6 hours
Train 242 kilometers 5-6 hours
Air 179 kilometers 1 hour

When planning your journey from Hajipur to Bhagalpur, consider the various travel options available and choose the one that suits your preferences and requirements. Whether you opt for a road trip, a train journey, or a quick flight, each mode of transportation offers its own advantages. Enjoy your travel and explore the beautiful landscapes of Bihar.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any direct flights from Hajipur to Bhagalpur?

No, there are no direct flights from Hajipur to Bhagalpur. The nearest major airport for Bhagalpur is in Patna, from where you can catch a flight to reach your destination.

2. How can I book train tickets from Hajipur to Bhagalpur?

You can book train tickets from Hajipur to Bhagalpur through the official website of Indian Railways or various third-party travel websites. Make sure to check the train schedules and availability before making your booking.

3. Are there any notable attractions to visit along the road from Hajipur to Bhagalpur?

Yes, there are several notable attractions to visit along the road from Hajipur to Bhagalpur. Some popular places include the ancient city of Nalanda, the historic town of Munger, and the holy city of Gaya. Take some time to explore these destinations during your journey.

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