Distance from Rajkot to Satara by Road, Sea, Train, and Air
Road Distance from Rajkot to Satara
The road distance from Rajkot to Satara is approximately 637 kilometers. The journey takes around 11 to 12 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken. The most common route is via the NH48, passing through Ahmedabad, Vadodara, and Pune.
Flight Distance from Rajkot to Satara
Unfortunately, there are no direct flights available from Rajkot to Satara. The nearest airport to Satara is Pune International Airport, which is approximately 114 kilometers away. Travelers can take a flight from Rajkot to Pune and then continue their journey by road or train to reach Satara.
Train Distance from Rajkot to Satara
There is no direct train connectivity between Rajkot and Satara. However, travelers can take a train from Rajkot to Pune Junction, which is approximately 197 kilometers away from Satara. From Pune, one can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Satara.
Sea Distance from Rajkot to Satara
Since both Rajkot and Satara are inland cities, there is no direct sea route available between them.
Comparison Table: Travel Options and Estimated Travel Times
Travel Mode | Distance | Estimated Travel Time |
Road | 637 km | 11-12 hours |
Flight | N/A (No direct flights) | N/A |
Train | N/A (No direct trains) | N/A |
Sea | N/A (Inland cities) | N/A |
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I travel directly from Rajkot to Satara by air?
No, there are no direct flights available from Rajkot to Satara. The nearest airport to Satara is Pune International Airport, which is approximately 114 kilometers away.
2. How long does it take to travel from Rajkot to Satara by road?
The road journey from Rajkot to Satara takes around 11 to 12 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken.
3. Is there a train connection between Rajkot and Satara?
There is no direct train connectivity between Rajkot and Satara. Travelers can take a train from Rajkot to Pune Junction, which is approximately 197 kilometers away from Satara.