Durg to Junagadh: Distances by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Durg to Junagadh

Distance from Durg to Junagadh by Road, Sea, Train and Air

When it comes to traveling from Durg to Junagadh, there are several options available to you. Whether you prefer the convenience of road travel, the speed of air travel, the scenic routes offered by trains, or the adventure of sea travel, each mode of transportation has its own unique advantages. In this article, we will explore the distances between Durg and Junagadh by road, sea, train, and air, providing you with all the information you need to plan your journey.


The distances between Durg and Junagadh using different modes of transportation are as follows:

Mode of Transportation Distance (in kilometers)
Road 1,058 km
Flight 774 km
Train 1,519 km
Ship Not applicable

Please note that there are no direct sea routes between Durg and Junagadh.


Let’s compare the different modes of transportation based on the estimated traveling time:

Mode of Transportation Estimated Traveling Time
Road Approximately 17 hours
Flight Approximately 2 hours
Train Approximately 26 hours

As you can see, traveling by air is the fastest option, taking only around 2 hours to reach Junagadh from Durg. Road travel takes approximately 17 hours, while train travel is the longest, with an estimated time of around 26 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct sea route from Durg to Junagadh?

No, there are no direct sea routes available between Durg and Junagadh. Sea travel is not a viable option for this journey.

2. How long does it take to reach Junagadh from Durg by road?

The estimated traveling time by road from Durg to Junagadh is approximately 17 hours.

3. What is the fastest mode of transportation to reach Junagadh from Durg?

Traveling by air is the fastest option, taking only around 2 hours to reach Junagadh from Durg.

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