Distances from Faridabad to Unnao: Road, Sea, Train, and Air Travel

distance from Faridabad to Unnao

Distance from Faridabad to Unnao by Road, Sea, Train and Air

When planning a journey from Faridabad to Unnao, it is essential to consider the various modes of transportation available. The distance between these two cities can be covered by road, sea, train, or air. Each mode of travel has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on factors such as time, cost, and convenience.

Distance by Road

The distance from Faridabad to Unnao by road is approximately 772 kilometers. The journey takes around 13-14 hours, depending on traffic conditions and the route taken. Traveling by road allows you to enjoy the scenic beauty of the countryside and make stops along the way.

Distance by Sea

As Faridabad is an inland city, traveling by sea to Unnao is not a feasible option.

Distance by Train

There is no direct train connectivity between Faridabad and Unnao. However, one can take a train from Faridabad to Lucknow, which is the nearest major railway station to Unnao. The distance between Faridabad and Lucknow is approximately 490 kilometers. From Lucknow, one can cover the remaining distance to Unnao by road or hire a local transport.

Distance by Air

The fastest way to reach Unnao from Faridabad is by air. The nearest airport to Unnao is Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport in Lucknow. The aerial distance between Faridabad and Lucknow is around 400 kilometers. The flight duration is approximately 1 hour, making it the most convenient option for those looking to save time.

Comparison and Estimated Traveling Time

Mode of Travel Distance Estimated Traveling Time
Road 772 kilometers 13-14 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train 490 kilometers Varies depending on train availability
Air 400 kilometers Approximately 1 hour

When deciding how to travel from Faridabad to Unnao, it is important to consider your priorities and preferences. If you have ample time and enjoy road trips, traveling by road can be a great option. However, for those looking for a quick and convenient journey, flying is the best choice. Train travel is also a viable option but requires additional road transportation for the final leg of the journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct train from Faridabad to Unnao?

No, there is no direct train connectivity between Faridabad and Unnao. One can take a train from Faridabad to Lucknow and then cover the remaining distance by road or local transport.

2. Can I travel from Faridabad to Unnao by sea?

No, as Faridabad is an inland city, traveling by sea to Unnao is not possible.

3. How long does it take to travel from Faridabad to Unnao by air?

The flight duration from Faridabad to Lucknow is approximately 1 hour.

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