Distances from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala: Road, Sea, Train, and Air Routes

distance from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala

Distance from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala by Road, Sea, Train and Air

When it comes to traveling from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala, there are several options available, including road, sea, train, and air. Each mode of transportation offers its own unique experience and advantages. In this article, we will explore the distances between Bhimavaram and Maheshtala using these different modes of travel.

Distances by Different Modes of Travel

1. Road

The distance from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala by road is approximately 1,500 kilometers. This route offers a scenic journey through various cities and towns, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the countryside.

2. Sea

Although Maheshtala is not directly accessible by sea, you can opt for a combination of road and sea travel. The nearest major port is Kolkata, which is approximately 100 kilometers away from Maheshtala. From Bhimavaram, you can travel by road to Kolkata and then take a ferry or cruise to Maheshtala.

3. Train

Traveling by train is a popular choice for many people. The distance from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala by train is around 1,200 kilometers. There are several trains available that connect these two destinations, providing a comfortable and convenient mode of travel.

4. Air

If you prefer a faster mode of transportation, traveling by air is the best option. The distance from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala by air is approximately 1,000 kilometers. You can take a flight from Bhimavaram to Kolkata, which is the nearest airport to Maheshtala, and then continue your journey by road.

5. Car

For those who enjoy the freedom of driving, traveling by car is a great choice. The distance from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala by car is similar to the distance by road, around 1,500 kilometers. This option allows you to explore the different cities and towns along the way at your own pace.

Comparison Table

Mode of Travel Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road 1,500 km Approximately 24 hours
Sea Approximately 100 km by road to Kolkata, then ferry/cruise to Maheshtala Depends on the availability of ferry/cruise
Train 1,200 km Approximately 20-24 hours
Air 1,000 km Approximately 3-4 hours (including layovers)
Car 1,500 km Depends on individual driving speed and breaks

As you can see, there are multiple ways to travel from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala, each offering its own set of advantages. Whether you prefer a scenic road trip, a relaxing sea voyage, a comfortable train journey, or a quick flight, there is an option to suit your preferences and requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take to travel from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala by road?

The estimated travel time by road is approximately 24 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and breaks taken during the journey.

2. Are there direct flights from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala?

No, there are no direct flights from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala. The nearest airport to Maheshtala is Kolkata, and you would need to take a connecting flight from Bhimavaram to Kolkata.

3. Can I travel from Bhimavaram to Maheshtala by train?

Yes, there are several trains available that connect Bhimavaram and Maheshtala. The travel time by train is approximately 20-24 hours.

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