Distance from Ranchi to Malegaon: Comparing Road, Sea, Train, and Air Routes

distance from Ranchi to Malegaon

Distance from Ranchi to Malegaon by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Road Distance from Ranchi to Malegaon

The road distance from Ranchi to Malegaon is approximately 1,224 kilometers. The journey by road takes around 21 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken.

Flight Distance from Ranchi to Malegaon

The flight distance from Ranchi to Malegaon is approximately 1,008 kilometers. There are no direct flights available between the two cities. Travelers can take a connecting flight via major airports like Mumbai or Delhi. The total travel time, including layovers, can vary between 4 to 8 hours.

Train Distance from Ranchi to Malegaon

There is no direct train service from Ranchi to Malegaon. Travelers can take a train from Ranchi to a nearby major city like Mumbai or Nagpur and then continue their journey to Malegaon by road. The total travel time by train and road can be approximately 25 to 30 hours.

Sea Distance from Ranchi to Malegaon

Since both Ranchi and Malegaon are inland cities, there is no direct sea route available between them.

Comparison Table: Distances and Travel Times

Mode of Travel Distance Travel Time
Road 1,224 km 21 hours
Flight 1,008 km 4-8 hours
Train + Road Approx. 1,000 km 25-30 hours
Sea N/A N/A

Traveling from Ranchi to Malegaon can be done by road, flight, or train with varying distances and travel times. While road travel offers flexibility, flights provide a quicker option for those looking to reach their destination faster. Train travel, although indirect, can be an alternative for those who prefer railways. Unfortunately, there is no direct sea route available between the two cities due to their inland locations.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct flight from Ranchi to Malegaon?

No, there are no direct flights available between Ranchi and Malegaon. Connecting flights via major airports are the best option.

2. Can I travel from Ranchi to Malegaon by train?

While there is no direct train service, travelers can take a train from Ranchi to a nearby major city like Mumbai or Nagpur and then continue their journey to Malegaon by road.

3. How long does it take to travel from Ranchi to Malegaon by road?

The road journey from Ranchi to Malegaon takes approximately 21 hours, depending on traffic conditions and the chosen route.

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