Distance from Mysore to Shivamogga: Road, Sea, Train, and Air Routes

distance from Mysore to Shivamogga

Distance from Mysore to Shivamogga by Road, Sea, Train and Air

When planning a trip from Mysore to Shivamogga, it’s essential to consider the different modes of transportation available and the distances involved. Whether you prefer a scenic road trip, a quick flight, a comfortable train journey, or a unique sea voyage, each option offers its own advantages. Let’s explore the distances between Mysore and Shivamogga using various modes of transportation.

Distance by Road

The distance from Mysore to Shivamogga by road is approximately 160 kilometers. The journey takes around 3 to 4 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken. The road trip offers beautiful landscapes and the opportunity to explore the towns and villages along the way.

Distance by Train

Traveling by train is a convenient option for those who prefer a relaxed and comfortable journey. The distance between Mysore and Shivamogga by train is around 200 kilometers. The train journey takes approximately 4 to 5 hours, depending on the train and its schedule. Trains offer a scenic view of the countryside and are a popular choice among travelers.

Distance by Air

If you’re looking for the fastest way to reach Shivamogga from Mysore, traveling by air is the ideal choice. The distance between the two cities by air is approximately 145 kilometers. The flight duration is around 45 minutes, making it the quickest option available. Flights provide a comfortable and time-saving travel experience.

Distance by Sea

While there are no direct sea routes between Mysore and Shivamogga, it’s interesting to note that the nearest coastal city to Mysore is Mangalore. The distance between Mangalore and Shivamogga by road is approximately 190 kilometers. So, if you’re up for an adventurous road trip, you can consider taking this route and enjoy the scenic beauty of the coastal region.

Comparison Table – Distances and Travel Times

Mode of Transportation Distance (Approx.) Travel Time (Approx.)
Road 160 km 3-4 hours
Train 200 km 4-5 hours
Air 145 km 45 minutes
Road (via Mangalore) 190 km 4-5 hours

When it comes to traveling from Mysore to Shivamogga, you have multiple options at your disposal. Each mode of transportation offers a unique experience and caters to different preferences. If you prefer a leisurely journey with the opportunity to explore the countryside, traveling by road or train would be ideal. However, if time is a constraint, a quick flight would be the best choice. Additionally, if you’re up for an adventure, you can take a road trip via Mangalore and enjoy the coastal scenery along the way. Consider your priorities and travel preferences before deciding on the best way to reach Shivamogga.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct sea route from Mysore to Shivamogga?

No, there is no direct sea route between Mysore and Shivamogga. The nearest coastal city to Mysore is Mangalore, and the distance between Mangalore and Shivamogga by road is approximately 190 kilometers.

2. Which mode of transportation is the fastest for traveling from Mysore to Shivamogga?

The fastest mode of transportation from Mysore to Shivamogga is by air. The flight duration is approximately 45 minutes, making it the quickest option available.

3. How long does it take to travel from Mysore to Shivamogga by train?

The train journey from Mysore to Shivamogga takes approximately 4 to 5 hours, depending on the train and its schedule.

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