Distance from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur: Road, Sea, Train, and Air Routes

distance from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur

Distance from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur

By Road

The distance from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur by road is approximately 480 kilometers. The journey takes around 9-10 hours depending on traffic conditions and the route taken. It is advisable to plan the trip in advance and take breaks during the journey for rest and refreshments.

By Train

Traveling from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur by train is a popular option among many travelers. The approximate distance between the two cities by train is around 420 kilometers. The journey duration varies depending on the train and route chosen, but it generally takes between 8-10 hours. It is recommended to check the train schedules and book tickets in advance.

By Air

For those looking for a faster mode of transportation, flying from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur is the best option. The aerial distance between the two cities is approximately 330 kilometers. There are no direct flights available, so travelers have to take a connecting flight via Kolkata or Patna. The total travel time, including layovers, can range from 4-6 hours.

By Sea

Since Bidhan Nagar and Bhagalpur are both inland cities, traveling by sea is not a feasible option.

Comparison Table: Distance and Travel Time

Mode of Travel Distance Travel Time
Road 480 km 9-10 hours
Train 420 km 8-10 hours
Air 330 km 4-6 hours (including layovers)

When traveling from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur, there are multiple transportation options available. The choice depends on factors such as time constraints, budget, and personal preferences. By road and train, the journey takes approximately 8-10 hours, while by air, it can be completed in 4-6 hours, including layovers. Plan your trip accordingly and enjoy the scenic beauty and cultural experiences along the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct flight from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur?

No, there are no direct flights from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur. Travelers need to take connecting flights via Kolkata or Patna.

2. How long does the road journey from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur take?

The road journey from Bidhan Nagar to Bhagalpur takes approximately 9-10 hours, depending on traffic conditions and the chosen route.

3. Can I book train tickets in advance for the journey?

Yes, it is advisable to book train tickets in advance to secure a seat and avoid last-minute hassles.

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