Distance from Ambernath to Erode: Comparing Road, Sea, Train, and Air Routes

distance from Ambernath to Erode

Distance from Ambernath to Erode by Road, Sea, Train and Air

By Road

Traveling from Ambernath to Erode by road is a convenient option. The distance between these two cities is approximately 1,200 kilometers, and it takes around 20-22 hours to cover this distance by car, depending on the traffic conditions and the route you choose.

By Sea

As both Ambernath and Erode are located inland, traveling between them by sea is not a feasible option.

By Train

Traveling by train is a popular choice for long-distance journeys in India. There are no direct trains available from Ambernath to Erode. However, you can take a train from Ambernath to Chennai, which is approximately 1,400 kilometers away, and then travel from Chennai to Erode by train. This journey can take around 24-26 hours.

By Air

The fastest way to travel from Ambernath to Erode is by air. There are no direct flights available between these two cities. You can take a flight from Mumbai, which is the nearest major airport to Ambernath, to Coimbatore, which is the nearest airport to Erode. The flight duration is approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the layovers and the airline you choose.

By Car

Another option to travel from Ambernath to Erode is by hiring a private car or taxi. The distance by road is approximately 1,200 kilometers, and it takes around 20-22 hours to cover this distance, depending on the traffic conditions and the route you choose.

Comparison Table

Mode of Travel Distance Travel Time
Road 1,200 km 20-22 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train Approx. 1,400 km 24-26 hours
Air N/A 2-3 hours
Car 1,200 km 20-22 hours

In conclusion, the distance from Ambernath to Erode can be covered by road, train, and air. Traveling by road or by air are the most convenient options, with travel times ranging from 20-22 hours by road and 2-3 hours by air. Traveling by train is also possible, but it can take longer due to the need to change trains in Chennai. Unfortunately, traveling by sea is not an option as both cities are located inland.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are there any direct flights between Ambernath and Erode?

No, there are no direct flights between Ambernath and Erode. You can take a flight from Mumbai to Coimbatore, which is the nearest airport to Erode.

Q: How long does it take to travel from Ambernath to Erode by train?

The travel time from Ambernath to Erode by train can vary depending on the availability of direct trains. You may need to change trains in Chennai, and the journey can take around 24-26 hours.

Q: What is the best way to travel from Ambernath to Erode?

The best way to travel from Ambernath to Erode depends on your preferences and priorities. If you prefer a faster journey, traveling by air is the best option. However, if you enjoy road trips or want to explore the scenery, traveling by road can be a great choice. Train travel is also an option, but it may take longer due to the need for train changes.

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