Distance Comparison: Tiruppur to Guntur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Tiruppur to Guntur

Distance from Tiruppur to Guntur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Tiruppur and Guntur are two important cities in the southern part of India. While Tiruppur is known for its textile industry, Guntur is famous for its agriculture and chili exports. If you are planning to travel between these two cities, it’s essential to know the distances and various modes of transportation available.


1. Distance from Tiruppur to Guntur by Road

The road distance between Tiruppur and Guntur is approximately 620 kilometers. The journey takes around 10-12 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route chosen. The most common route is via NH16, which passes through major towns and cities.

2. Distance from Tiruppur to Guntur by Train

There is no direct train connectivity between Tiruppur and Guntur. However, you can take a train from Tiruppur to Vijayawada, which is approximately 285 kilometers away from Guntur. From Vijayawada, you can easily reach Guntur by local transport or taxi.

3. Distance from Tiruppur to Guntur by Air

The aerial distance between Tiruppur and Guntur is around 370 kilometers. The nearest airport to Tiruppur is Coimbatore International Airport, and from there, you can take a flight to Vijayawada Airport. From Vijayawada, Guntur is just a short distance away.

4. Distance from Tiruppur to Guntur by Sea

As both Tiruppur and Guntur are inland cities, there is no direct sea route available between them.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road 620 km 10-12 hours
Train Approx. 285 km (Tiruppur to Vijayawada) Varies
Air Approx. 370 km (Aerial Distance) Varies

When planning your journey from Tiruppur to Guntur, consider the distance and the mode of transportation that suits your requirements. Road travel is the most common option, offering flexibility and the opportunity to explore the scenic beauty of the region. However, if time is a constraint, air travel can be a quicker alternative.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Tiruppur to Guntur by train?

No, there is no direct train connectivity between Tiruppur and Guntur. You can take a train to Vijayawada and then reach Guntur from there.

2. Which is the nearest airport to Tiruppur?

The nearest airport to Tiruppur is Coimbatore International Airport.

3. How long does it take to travel from Tiruppur to Guntur by road?

The road journey takes approximately 10-12 hours, depending on the traffic and the chosen route.

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