Distance Comparison: Tiruppur to Dhanbad by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Tiruppur to Dhanbad

Distance from Tiruppur to Dhanbad by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

When planning a trip from Tiruppur to Dhanbad, it is essential to consider the various modes of transportation available. The distance between these two cities can be covered by road, sea, train, or air. Each mode of travel offers its own advantages and considerations. Let’s explore the distances and the estimated travel times for each option.


1. Distance from Tiruppur to Dhanbad by Road

The road distance between Tiruppur and Dhanbad is approximately 1,700 kilometers. It can take around 30 hours to cover this distance by car, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken.

2. Distance from Tiruppur to Dhanbad by Sea

Since Tiruppur and Dhanbad are both inland cities, traveling by sea is not a viable option for this route.

3. Distance from Tiruppur to Dhanbad by Train

The railway distance between Tiruppur and Dhanbad is approximately 1,500 kilometers. There are direct train services available, and the travel time can vary between 30 to 40 hours, depending on the train and its route.

4. Distance from Tiruppur to Dhanbad by Air

The air distance between Tiruppur and Dhanbad is approximately 1,200 kilometers. The fastest way to travel between these cities is by taking a flight. The average flight duration is around 2 to 3 hours, depending on the airline and any layovers.

5. Distance from Tiruppur to Dhanbad by Car

The driving distance from Tiruppur to Dhanbad is approximately 1,700 kilometers, which can be covered in approximately 30 hours, considering breaks and traffic conditions.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance (in kilometers) Estimated Travel Time
Road 1,700 30 hours
Train 1,500 30-40 hours
Air 1,200 2-3 hours

When considering the distance from Tiruppur to Dhanbad, the mode of transportation you choose will depend on your priorities. If time is of the essence, taking a flight is the fastest option. However, if you prefer a more leisurely journey or wish to explore the scenic routes, traveling by road or train might be ideal. Evaluate your preferences and make an informed decision based on your travel needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct train from Tiruppur to Dhanbad?

Yes, there are direct train services available from Tiruppur to Dhanbad. The travel time can vary between 30 to 40 hours, depending on the train and its route.

2. Are there any direct flights between Tiruppur and Dhanbad?

No, there are no direct flights between Tiruppur and Dhanbad. Passengers need to take connecting flights, which may have layovers, resulting in an increased travel time.

3. What is the best time to travel from Tiruppur to Dhanbad by road?

The best time to travel from Tiruppur to Dhanbad by road is during the cooler months, from October to February, to avoid extreme heat and monsoon rains.

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