Distance Comparison: Solapur to Rourkela by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Solapur to Rourkela

Distance from Solapur to Rourkela by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Planning a trip from Solapur to Rourkela and wondering about the best mode of transportation? In this article, we will explore the distances between Solapur and Rourkela by road, sea, train, and air. Whether you prefer a scenic road trip, a quick flight, or a leisurely train journey, we’ve got you covered. Let’s delve into the various options and compare them to find the most suitable one for your travel needs.


1. Distance from Solapur to Rourkela by Road

The distance between Solapur and Rourkela by road is approximately 1,100 kilometers. This route offers a chance to witness the diverse landscapes of India as you drive through the states of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha. The journey takes approximately 20-24 hours depending on the traffic and road conditions.

2. Distance from Solapur to Rourkela by Sea

Since Solapur and Rourkela are inland cities, traveling by sea is not a direct option. However, you can consider reaching the nearest coastal city like Mumbai or Kolkata by road or train and then taking a ship to Rourkela. Please note that this option may involve multiple transfers and can be time-consuming.

3. Distance from Solapur to Rourkela by Train

Traveling by train is a popular choice in India, known for its extensive railway network. The distance from Solapur to Rourkela by train is approximately 1,040 kilometers. Depending on the train and route, the journey can take around 24-30 hours. Several trains connect Solapur and Rourkela, offering comfortable berths and amenities for a pleasant journey.

4. Distance from Solapur to Rourkela by Air

If time is of the essence, traveling by air is the fastest option. The aerial distance from Solapur to Rourkela is around 700 kilometers. Flights are available from nearby airports like Pune or Nagpur to Rourkela. The journey by plane takes approximately 2-3 hours, including transit time.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road 1,100 km 20-24 hours
Train 1,040 km 24-30 hours
Air 700 km (aerial distance) 2-3 hours

When it comes to traveling from Solapur to Rourkela, you have several options to choose from. If you enjoy road trips and want to experience the scenic beauty of the Indian landscape, traveling by road can be a great choice. Train journeys are a popular and affordable option, allowing you to relax and enjoy the countryside. However, if time is a constraint, opting for a flight is the fastest way to reach Rourkela.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Solapur to Rourkela by sea?

No, Solapur and Rourkela are inland cities, and there are no direct sea routes connecting them. You may need to reach a coastal city like Mumbai or Kolkata and then take a ship to Rourkela, which can be time-consuming.

2. How long does it take to travel from Solapur to Rourkela by train?

The train journey from Solapur to Rourkela takes approximately 24-30 hours, depending on the train and route chosen. It offers a comfortable and scenic way to travel, allowing you to enjoy the diverse landscapes of India.

3. Are there direct flights from Solapur to Rourkela?

No, there are no direct flights between Solapur and Rourkela. However, you can take a flight from nearby airports like Pune or Nagpur to reach Rourkela. The journey by air takes approximately 2-3 hours, including transit time.

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