Distance from Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad to Katihar
By Road
The distance from Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad to Katihar by road is approximately 1,370 kilometers. The journey takes around 25 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken.
By Air
If you prefer to travel by air, the distance from Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad to Katihar is approximately 1,180 kilometers. The closest airport to Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad is the Pune International Airport, and the nearest airport to Katihar is the Bagdogra Airport. The flight duration is around 2 hours, including layovers.
By Train
Traveling by train is another option to consider. The approximate rail distance from Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad to Katihar is 1,260 kilometers. There are direct trains available from Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad to Katihar, and the journey duration varies between 30 to 36 hours, depending on the train and its route.
By Sea
As Katihar is an inland city, traveling by sea is not a feasible option.
Comparison Table
Mode of Transport | Distance | Travel Time |
Road | 1,370 km | Approximately 25 hours |
Air | 1,180 km | Approximately 2 hours |
Train | 1,260 km | Approximately 30-36 hours |
Sea | N/A | N/A |
Now that you know the distances from Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad to Katihar by road, air, and train, you can choose the most suitable mode of transport for your journey. Consider factors such as time, convenience, and personal preference when making your decision.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is there a direct flight from Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad to Katihar?
No, there are no direct flights from Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad to Katihar. You will have to take a connecting flight via Pune or another nearby airport.
2. Are there any luxury trains available between Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad and Katihar?
Currently, there are no luxury trains operating directly between Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad and Katihar. However, you can opt for comfortable sleeper or AC coaches on regular trains.
3. Can I rent a car for the road trip from Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad to Katihar?
Yes, car rental services are available in Sangli-Miraj & Kupwad. You can rent a car and enjoy a scenic road trip to Katihar. Ensure you have a valid driving license and necessary documentation.