Distance Comparison: Sambalpur to Kozhikode by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Sambalpur to Kozhikode

Distance from Sambalpur to Kozhikode by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Planning a trip from Sambalpur to Kozhikode? Knowing the distances and the different modes of transportation available can help you make an informed decision. Let’s explore the distances and travel options:

Distance from Sambalpur to Kozhikode by Road

The distance between Sambalpur and Kozhikode by road is approximately 1,450 kilometers. The journey by road takes around 28 to 30 hours, depending on the traffic and route chosen. It is advisable to plan for rest stops and fuel refills along the way.

Distance from Sambalpur to Kozhikode by Train

Traveling by train is another convenient option. The railway distance between Sambalpur and Kozhikode is approximately 1,480 kilometers. There are direct trains available, but the journey duration can vary from 36 to 40 hours, depending on the train and its route. It is recommended to check the train schedules and book your tickets in advance.

Distance from Sambalpur to Kozhikode by Air

If you prefer a quicker mode of transportation, flying is the best choice. The aerial distance from Sambalpur to Kozhikode is approximately 1,050 kilometers. Several airlines operate flights between the two cities, and the average flight duration is around 2 to 3 hours. It is advisable to book your flight tickets in advance to secure the best deals.

Distance from Sambalpur to Kozhikode by Sea

While there are no direct sea routes between Sambalpur and Kozhikode, you can consider traveling by sea via nearby ports. The nearest major port to Sambalpur is Vishakhapatnam, and from there, you can take a ship to Kochi. The total distance covered by sea would be approximately 1,200 kilometers. However, this option may take considerably longer than other modes of transportation due to the limited availability of sea routes.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Travel Duration
Road 1,450 km 28-30 hours
Train 1,480 km 36-40 hours
Air 1,050 km 2-3 hours
Sea 1,200 km Varies

When planning your journey from Sambalpur to Kozhikode, consider the distances and travel durations associated with each mode of transportation. Whether you prefer the scenic route by road, the convenience of a train, the speed of air travel, or the adventure of a sea journey, choose the option that suits your preferences and requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Sambalpur to Kozhikode by sea?

No, there are no direct sea routes between Sambalpur and Kozhikode. However, you can consider traveling by sea via nearby ports.

2. How long does it take to travel from Sambalpur to Kozhikode by train?

The train journey from Sambalpur to Kozhikode can take approximately 36 to 40 hours, depending on the specific train and its route.

3. Which is the fastest mode of transportation from Sambalpur to Kozhikode?

The fastest mode of transportation from Sambalpur to Kozhikode is by air, with an average flight duration of 2 to 3 hours.

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