Distance Comparison: Ratlam to Ambattur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Ratlam to Ambattur

Distance from Ratlam to Ambattur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Ratlam to Ambattur by Road

When traveling from Ratlam to Ambattur by road, the distance is approximately 1,230 kilometers. The journey takes around 20-22 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route chosen.

Ratlam to Ambattur by Train

If you prefer traveling by train, there is no direct train route between Ratlam and Ambattur. However, you can take a train from Ratlam to Chennai, which is approximately 1,200 kilometers away from Ambattur. From Chennai, you can either hire a taxi or take a local train to reach Ambattur.

Ratlam to Ambattur by Air

The fastest mode of transportation from Ratlam to Ambattur is by air. You can take a flight from Ratlam to Chennai, which takes around 1.5-2 hours. From Chennai, you can travel to Ambattur by taxi or public transport, which usually takes around 1-2 hours.

Ratlam to Ambattur by Sea

Since Ratlam is an inland city, there are no direct sea routes to Ambattur. However, if you are interested in experiencing a unique journey, you can take a ship from a nearby coastal city like Mumbai or Kochi to Chennai. From Chennai, you can then proceed to Ambattur by taxi or local transport.

Ratlam to Ambattur Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Traveling Time
Road 1,230 km 20-22 hours
Train Approximately 1,200 km Varies (with layover)
Air Approximately 1,200 km (by flight) 3-4 hours (including layover)
Sea No direct route Varies (depending on ship route)

In conclusion, the distance from Ratlam to Ambattur varies depending on the mode of transportation chosen. If you prefer a quicker journey, flying from Ratlam to Chennai and then traveling to Ambattur by road is the best option. However, if you want to explore different experiences, taking a road trip or a ship journey can be more adventurous.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct train from Ratlam to Ambattur?

No, there is no direct train from Ratlam to Ambattur. You can take a train from Ratlam to Chennai and then travel to Ambattur by taxi or local train.

2. How long does it take to travel from Ratlam to Ambattur by air?

The total travel time from Ratlam to Ambattur by air is approximately 3-4 hours, including layovers.

3. Can I travel from Ratlam to Ambattur by sea?

While Ratlam is an inland city, you can take a ship from coastal cities like Mumbai or Kochi to Chennai. From Chennai, you can then proceed to Ambattur by taxi or local transport.

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