Distance Comparison: Malegaon to Bhatpara by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Malegaon to Bhatpara

Distance from Malegaon to Bhatpara by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

By Road

When traveling from Malegaon to Bhatpara by road, the approximate distance is XXX km. The road journey takes approximately X hours, depending on the traffic and the route taken.

By Sea

Unfortunately, there is no direct sea route from Malegaon to Bhatpara. However, if you are interested in a sea journey, you can consider taking a ferry or a cruise from nearby coastal cities.

By Train

The distance between Malegaon and Bhatpara by train is approximately XXX km. There are no direct trains between these two cities. However, you can take a train from Malegaon to a nearby major city, such as Mumbai or Kolkata, and then continue your journey to Bhatpara by train.

By Air

The fastest way to travel from Malegaon to Bhatpara is by air. The approximate distance between the two cities by air is XXX km. You can book a flight from Malegaon to Kolkata, which is the nearest major airport to Bhatpara. The flight duration is around X hours, depending on the airline and any layovers.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road XXX km X hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train XXX km X hours
Air XXX km X hours

In conclusion, the distance from Malegaon to Bhatpara varies depending on the mode of transportation chosen. While road and train journeys are possible, air travel is the fastest option. However, it is important to consider factors such as convenience, cost, and personal preferences when deciding on the mode of transportation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct road connection between Malegaon and Bhatpara?

No, there is no direct road connection between Malegaon and Bhatpara. However, you can reach Bhatpara by taking a connecting route via nearby cities.

2. Are there any direct flights from Malegaon to Bhatpara?

No, there are no direct flights from Malegaon to Bhatpara. The nearest major airport to Bhatpara is in Kolkata, and you can book a flight from Malegaon to Kolkata and then continue your journey to Bhatpara.

3. How long does it take to travel from Malegaon to Bhatpara by train?

Since there are no direct trains between Malegaon and Bhatpara, the travel time will depend on the route and train connections. It is advisable to check the train schedules and plan your journey accordingly.

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