Distance from Malegaon to Bhagalpur by Road, Sea, Train and Air
Malegaon and Bhagalpur are two prominent cities in India, located in the states of Maharashtra and Bihar respectively. If you are planning a journey between these two cities, there are several travel options available to you. Let’s explore the distances involved in traveling from Malegaon to Bhagalpur by road, sea, train, and air.
Distance from Malegaon to Bhagalpur by Road
The road distance from Malegaon to Bhagalpur is approximately 1,020 kilometers. This distance can be covered by taking the NH60 and NH31 route, which passes through various towns and cities.
Distance from Malegaon to Bhagalpur by Sea
As Bhagalpur is not directly connected to the sea, traveling from Malegaon to Bhagalpur by sea is not a viable option.
Distance from Malegaon to Bhagalpur by Train
There is no direct train connectivity between Malegaon and Bhagalpur. However, you can take a train from Malegaon to a nearby railway station such as Bhusawal Junction or Jalgaon Junction. From there, you can board a train to Bhagalpur, which is approximately 870 kilometers away.
Distance from Malegaon to Bhagalpur by Air
The aerial distance from Malegaon to Bhagalpur is approximately 850 kilometers. You can take a flight from Malegaon to Patna, which is the nearest airport to Bhagalpur. From Patna, you can cover the remaining distance by road or train.
Comparison Table: Distances and Traveling Time
Mode of Travel | Distance | Traveling Time |
Road | 1,020 km | Approximately 16 hours |
Sea | N/A | N/A |
Train | 870 km | Approximately 24 hours |
Air | 850 km | Approximately 3 hours |
When it comes to traveling from Malegaon to Bhagalpur, the most convenient options are by road or air. Road travel allows you to enjoy the scenic beauty of the Indian landscape, while air travel offers a faster and more comfortable journey. Train travel is also possible but involves longer travel times and transfers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is there a direct road route from Malegaon to Bhagalpur?
A: Yes, there is a direct road route from Malegaon to Bhagalpur via NH60 and NH31.
Q: Are there any direct flights from Malegaon to Bhagalpur?
A: No, there are no direct flights from Malegaon to Bhagalpur. You can take a flight from Malegaon to Patna and then travel to Bhagalpur by road or train.
Q: How long does it take to travel from Malegaon to Bhagalpur by train?
A: The approximate travel time by train from Malegaon to Bhagalpur is around 24 hours, considering the necessary transfers.