Distance Comparison: Kolkata to Patiala by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Kolkata to Patiala

Distance from Kolkata to Patiala by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

When planning a journey from Kolkata to Patiala, it is essential to consider the various modes of transportation available. The distances between these two cities can vary depending on the chosen route and means of travel. Let’s explore the distances from Kolkata to Patiala by road, sea, train, and air.

Distance from Kolkata to Patiala by Road

The road distance from Kolkata to Patiala is approximately 1,900 kilometers. This route takes you through several states, including West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and finally, Punjab. The journey usually takes around 30-35 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the chosen stops along the way.

Distance from Kolkata to Patiala by Sea

Traveling from Kolkata to Patiala by sea is not a direct option, as both cities are located inland. However, if you are interested in exploring the sea route, you can reach a nearby coastal city such as Mumbai or Chennai by air and then continue your journey to Patiala by road or train.

Distance from Kolkata to Patiala by Train

The rail distance from Kolkata to Patiala is approximately 1,750 kilometers. There are no direct trains available between these two cities, but you can take a train from Kolkata to New Delhi, and then catch another train from New Delhi to Patiala. The total travel time by train can vary between 24-30 hours, depending on the train connections and schedules.

Distance from Kolkata to Patiala by Air

The fastest way to travel from Kolkata to Patiala is by air. The aerial distance between these two cities is approximately 1,400 kilometers. Multiple airlines operate regular flights between Kolkata and Chandigarh, the nearest airport to Patiala. The flight duration is around 2-3 hours, making it the most convenient option for those seeking a quick journey.

Comparison Table – Kolkata to Patiala Travel Options

Mode of Travel Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road 1,900 km 30-35 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train 1,750 km 24-30 hours
Air 1,400 km 2-3 hours

When deciding how to travel from Kolkata to Patiala, it’s important to consider factors such as time constraints, convenience, and personal preferences. If you prefer a leisurely journey with the opportunity to explore various cities and landscapes, traveling by road or train may be the ideal choice. However, if you’re short on time and prioritize speed and efficiency, opting for a flight from Kolkata to Chandigarh and then continuing by road is the best option.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel from Kolkata to Patiala by sea?

No, there are no direct sea routes available between Kolkata and Patiala as both cities are located inland. You can consider traveling to nearby coastal cities by air and then continuing your journey to Patiala by road or train.

2. Are there any direct trains from Kolkata to Patiala?

No, there are no direct trains available between Kolkata and Patiala. However, you can take a train from Kolkata to New Delhi and then catch another train from New Delhi to Patiala.

3. Which is the fastest way to travel from Kolkata to Patiala?

The fastest way to travel from Kolkata to Patiala is by air. Multiple airlines operate regular flights between Kolkata and Chandigarh, the nearest airport to Patiala. The flight duration is approximately 2-3 hours.

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