Distance Comparison: Jaunpur to Bilaspur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Jaunpur to Bilaspur

Distance from Jaunpur to Bilaspur by Road, Sea, Train and Air

By Road

The distance from Jaunpur to Bilaspur by road is approximately 997 kilometers. It takes around 16-18 hours to cover this distance, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken.

By Sea

As Jaunpur and Bilaspur are both landlocked cities, traveling by sea is not a viable option.

By Train

There is no direct train connectivity between Jaunpur and Bilaspur. However, you can take a train from Jaunpur to nearby major cities like Varanasi or Lucknow, and then take another train to Bilaspur. The total traveling time by train can vary depending on the train connections and waiting time.

By Air

The aerial distance from Jaunpur to Bilaspur is approximately 690 kilometers. The fastest way to reach Bilaspur from Jaunpur is by taking a flight. You can book a flight from Varanasi, which is the nearest airport to Jaunpur, to Bilaspur. The flight duration is around 2-3 hours, including layovers and transit time.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Estimated Traveling Time
Road 997 km 16-18 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train N/A Varies
Air 690 km 2-3 hours

When it comes to traveling from Jaunpur to Bilaspur, the fastest and most convenient option is by air. However, if you prefer to travel by road, be prepared for a longer journey. Unfortunately, traveling by sea is not an option as both cities are landlocked. Train travel is also possible, but it may involve multiple connections and longer travel time.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct train from Jaunpur to Bilaspur?

No, there is no direct train connectivity between Jaunpur and Bilaspur. You will need to take a train to a nearby major city and then transfer to another train to reach Bilaspur.

2. How long does it take to travel from Jaunpur to Bilaspur by road?

The road distance between Jaunpur and Bilaspur is approximately 997 kilometers, and it takes around 16-18 hours to cover this distance by road. However, the actual travel time may vary depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken.

3. What is the nearest airport to Jaunpur?

The nearest airport to Jaunpur is Varanasi Airport, also known as Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport. It is located approximately 60 kilometers away from Jaunpur.

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