Distance Comparison: Jamshedpur to Bhilai by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai

Distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

When planning a journey from Jamshedpur to Bhilai, it’s essential to consider the different modes of transportation available. Depending on your preferences and requirements, you can choose to travel by road, sea, train, or air. Let’s explore the distances and estimated travel times for each of these options.

Distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by Road

The distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by road is approximately 300 kilometers. The journey takes around 6-7 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken. The most common route is via NH53, which offers a scenic drive through the beautiful landscapes of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.

Distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by Sea

Since Jamshedpur and Bhilai are inland cities, traveling by sea is not a viable option. There are no direct sea routes connecting these two cities.

Distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by Train

The distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by train is approximately 450 kilometers. There are several trains available that connect these two cities. The travel time varies between 9-11 hours, depending on the train and its schedule. It is advisable to check the train timings and book tickets in advance to ensure a comfortable journey.

Distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by Air

The distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by air is approximately 300 kilometers. The nearest airport to Jamshedpur is Birsa Munda Airport in Ranchi, which is about 140 kilometers away. From Ranchi, you can take a flight to Swami Vivekananda Airport in Raipur, which is around 150 kilometers from Bhilai. The total travel time by air, including layovers, is usually around 4-5 hours.

Comparison Table – Distances and Travel Times

Mode of Transportation Distance Travel Time
Road 300 km 6-7 hours
Train 450 km 9-11 hours
Air 300 km 4-5 hours

When considering the distance from Jamshedpur to Bhilai, it’s important to choose the mode of transportation that suits your preferences and time constraints. If you prefer a scenic journey and have ample time, traveling by road can be a great option. However, if time is of the essence, opting for air travel can significantly reduce your travel time. Trains provide a balance between comfort and affordability. Plan your journey accordingly and enjoy the experience!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by ship?

No, traveling by ship is not possible as Jamshedpur and Bhilai are inland cities.

2. Which is the fastest mode of transportation from Jamshedpur to Bhilai?

The fastest mode of transportation is by air, with a travel time of approximately 4-5 hours, including layovers.

3. How long does it take to travel from Jamshedpur to Bhilai by train?

The travel time by train varies between 9-11 hours, depending on the train and its schedule.

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