Distance Comparison: Jaipur to Bhagalpur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur

Distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by Road, Sea, Train and Air

1. Distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by Road

The distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by road is approximately 1,052 kilometers. This route typically takes around 19-20 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the chosen route. The road journey offers the flexibility to explore various cities and towns along the way, making it a great option for those who enjoy road trips.

2. Distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by Sea

As Bhagalpur is an inland city, there is no direct sea route available from Jaipur. Sea travel is not a viable option for this particular journey.

3. Distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by Train

The distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by train is approximately 1,074 kilometers. There are no direct trains available between the two cities. However, you can take a train from Jaipur to a nearby major city like Patna or Kolkata and then continue the journey to Bhagalpur by road or another mode of transportation.

4. Distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by Air

The aerial distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur is approximately 874 kilometers. There are no direct flights available between the two cities. However, you can take a flight from Jaipur to a nearby major airport like Patna or Kolkata and then travel to Bhagalpur by road or train.

5. Distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by Car

The distance from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by car is approximately 1,052 kilometers, similar to the road distance mentioned earlier. Traveling by car allows you to have control over your journey and make stops along the way.

Comparison Table – Distances and Travel Times

Mode of Transportation Distance Travel Time
Road 1,052 km 19-20 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train 1,074 km Varies
Air 874 km Varies
Car 1,052 km Varies

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Jaipur to Bhagalpur by sea?

No, Bhagalpur is an inland city, and there is no direct sea route available from Jaipur. Sea travel is not a feasible option for this journey.

2. Are there direct trains from Jaipur to Bhagalpur?

No, there are no direct trains available between Jaipur and Bhagalpur. However, you can take a train from Jaipur to a nearby major city like Patna or Kolkata and then continue the journey to Bhagalpur by road or another mode of transportation.

3. Are there direct flights from Jaipur to Bhagalpur?

No, there are no direct flights available between Jaipur and Bhagalpur. You can take a flight from Jaipur to a nearby major airport like Patna or Kolkata and then travel to Bhagalpur by road or train.

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