Distance Comparison: Jabalpur to Ujjain by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Jabalpur to Ujjain

Distance from Jabalpur to Ujjain: Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Planning a trip from Jabalpur to Ujjain? Knowing the distances between these two cities is essential for a smooth travel experience. In this article, we explore the distances from Jabalpur to Ujjain by road, sea, train, and air, providing you with the necessary information to choose the most convenient mode of transportation.

Distance from Jabalpur to Ujjain by Road

The distance from Jabalpur to Ujjain by road is approximately 250 kilometers. The journey takes around 5 to 6 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route chosen. The road connectivity between these two cities is excellent, with well-maintained highways and frequent bus services.

Distance from Jabalpur to Ujjain by Sea

As Jabalpur is an inland city, there is no direct sea route to Ujjain. Traveling by sea is not a viable option for this particular journey.

Distance from Jabalpur to Ujjain by Train

Trains are a popular mode of transportation in India, and there are several trains connecting Jabalpur to Ujjain. The distance between the two cities by train is approximately 400 kilometers, and the journey takes around 8 to 10 hours, depending on the train and its stops along the way.

Distance from Jabalpur to Ujjain by Air

The fastest way to travel from Jabalpur to Ujjain is by air. There are no direct flights between the two cities, but you can take a flight from Jabalpur to Indore, which is the nearest airport to Ujjain. The approximate aerial distance between Jabalpur and Indore is around 240 kilometers. From Indore, you can then travel to Ujjain by road, which is approximately 55 kilometers. Overall, the journey by air and road combined takes around 2 to 3 hours.

Comparison Table: Distances and Traveling Time

Mode of Travel Distance Traveling Time
By Road 250 kilometers 5-6 hours
By Train 400 kilometers 8-10 hours
By Air & Road 295 kilometers 2-3 hours

When planning your journey from Jabalpur to Ujjain, considering the distances and travel times by road, train, and air is important. Each mode of transportation has its own advantages and limitations. Choose the one that suits your preferences and requirements the best to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct sea route from Jabalpur to Ujjain?

No, as Jabalpur is an inland city, there is no direct sea route to Ujjain.

2. How long does it take to travel from Jabalpur to Ujjain by train?

The journey by train from Jabalpur to Ujjain takes approximately 8 to 10 hours, depending on the train and stops along the way.

3. What is the fastest way to travel from Jabalpur to Ujjain?

The fastest way to travel from Jabalpur to Ujjain is by air. Take a flight from Jabalpur to Indore and then travel to Ujjain by road.

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