Distance Comparison: Cuttack to Bellary by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Cuttack to Bellary

Distance from Cuttack to Bellary by Road, Sea, Train and Air

By Road

When traveling from Cuttack to Bellary by road, the approximate distance is 950 kilometers. The journey can be covered in around 16-18 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken. The route usually involves driving via NH16 and NH63.

By Sea

Unfortunately, there are no direct sea routes connecting Cuttack and Bellary. Since both cities are located inland, traveling by sea is not a viable option. It is recommended to explore other modes of transport to reach Bellary.

By Train

The railway distance between Cuttack and Bellary is approximately 1,200 kilometers. There is no direct train connection between the two cities. However, travelers can opt for trains that connect Cuttack to nearby major railway junctions like Bangalore or Hospet. From there, one can take a taxi or a local transport to reach Bellary.

By Air

The aerial distance from Cuttack to Bellary is around 900 kilometers. Unfortunately, there are no direct flights available between the two cities. Travelers can take a flight from Bhubaneswar, which is the nearest major airport to Cuttack, to Bengaluru. From Bengaluru, they can either take a connecting flight or travel by road to reach Bellary.

Comparison Table – Traveling Distance and Time

Mode of Travel Distance (Approx.) Traveling Time (Approx.)
Road 950 km 16-18 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train 1,200 km Varies (depending on connecting trains)
Air 900 km Varies (depending on connecting flights)

Considering the distances and available modes of transport, traveling from Cuttack to Bellary by road seems to be the most convenient option. It offers flexibility and the opportunity to explore the scenic beauty of the region. However, if time is a constraint, one can consider taking a flight to Bengaluru and then traveling by road or train to reach Bellary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are there direct flights from Cuttack to Bellary?

No, there are no direct flights from Cuttack to Bellary. Travelers need to take a flight from Bhubaneswar to Bengaluru and then opt for other modes of transport to reach Bellary.

Q: How long does it take to travel from Cuttack to Bellary by train?

The travel time by train from Cuttack to Bellary varies, as there are no direct trains. It depends on the connecting trains and the route taken. It is advisable to check the train schedules and plan accordingly.

Q: Can I travel from Cuttack to Bellary by ship?

No, there are no direct sea routes connecting Cuttack and Bellary. Both cities are located inland, making traveling by ship not feasible.

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