Distance Comparison: Chandigarh to Gopalpur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Chandigarh to Gopalpur

Distance from Chandigarh to Gopalpur by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

By Road

The distance from Chandigarh to Gopalpur by road is approximately 1,450 kilometers. The journey can be covered by car or bus, depending on personal preference. The road trip offers a scenic route through various cities and towns, allowing travelers to explore different regions of India.

By Sea

Unfortunately, there is no direct sea route from Chandigarh to Gopalpur. Since Gopalpur is an inland town, it does not have a coastline or harbor. Therefore, traveling by sea is not a viable option for this particular route.

By Train

The distance from Chandigarh to Gopalpur by train is approximately 1,200 kilometers. There are no direct trains available between these two destinations. However, one can take a train from Chandigarh to Bhubaneswar, which is the nearest major railway station to Gopalpur. From Bhubaneswar, Gopalpur can be reached by road or local transport.

By Air

The quickest way to travel from Chandigarh to Gopalpur is by air. Although there are no direct flights between these two locations, one can take a flight from Chandigarh to Bhubaneswar, which is the nearest airport to Gopalpur. From Bhubaneswar, Gopalpur can be reached by road or local transport.

Comparison Table

Mode of Travel Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road 1,450 km Approximately 24 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train 1,200 km Approximately 30 hours (including road travel)
Air N/A N/A

While there are multiple ways to travel from Chandigarh to Gopalpur, the most convenient options are by road or air. Road travel allows for exploration of various cities and towns along the way, while air travel provides the quickest journey. Unfortunately, there is no direct sea route or train connection between these two destinations.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Chandigarh to Gopalpur by sea?

No, there is no direct sea route available between Chandigarh and Gopalpur. Gopalpur is an inland town without a coastline or harbor.

2. Are there direct flights from Chandigarh to Gopalpur?

No, there are no direct flights between Chandigarh and Gopalpur. However, one can take a flight from Chandigarh to Bhubaneswar, which is the nearest airport to Gopalpur.

3. How long does it take to travel from Chandigarh to Gopalpur by train?

The train journey from Chandigarh to Gopalpur is not direct. One can take a train from Chandigarh to Bhubaneswar, which is the nearest major railway station to Gopalpur. From Bhubaneswar, Gopalpur can be reached by road or local transport. The estimated travel time, including road travel, is approximately 30 hours.

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