Distance Comparison: Belgaum to Bhavnagar by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Belgaum to Bhavnagar

Distance from Belgaum to Bhavnagar by Road, Sea, Train and Air

Belgaum and Bhavnagar, two beautiful cities in India, are located in different states. If you are planning a trip between these two cities, it’s essential to know the distances and the various modes of transportation available.


The distances from Belgaum to Bhavnagar can be covered by road, sea, train, and air. Let’s explore each option:

By Road

The approximate road distance from Belgaum to Bhavnagar is 764 kilometers. The journey takes around 14-15 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions. You can take the NH48 and NH64 highways to reach Bhavnagar from Belgaum.

By Sea

As Bhavnagar is a coastal city, traveling by sea is also an option. However, there are no direct sea routes available between Belgaum and Bhavnagar. It is advisable to choose alternative modes of transportation.

By Train

Belgaum and Bhavnagar are connected by rail, but there is no direct train route available. One can take a train from Belgaum to Ahmedabad, which is approximately 640 kilometers away, and then proceed to Bhavnagar by road or local train. The total travel time can vary between 15-18 hours, depending on the train connections.

By Air

The quickest and most convenient way to travel from Belgaum to Bhavnagar is by air. Although there are no direct flights between the two cities, you can take a flight from Belgaum Airport to Ahmedabad Airport, which takes around 1 hour. From Ahmedabad, you can either take a connecting flight or travel by road to reach Bhavnagar.

Comparison Table

Mode of Transportation Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road 764 km 14-15 hours
Train Approximately 640 km 15-18 hours
Air Varies (with layovers) Approximately 3-5 hours

When planning your journey from Belgaum to Bhavnagar, consider the mode of transportation that suits your preferences and time constraints. While road travel offers flexibility, air travel provides convenience and saves time. Train journeys can be an option for those who enjoy scenic routes and have more time at hand.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there direct flights from Belgaum to Bhavnagar?

No, there are no direct flights available between Belgaum and Bhavnagar. You can take a connecting flight via Ahmedabad.

2. How long does it take to reach Bhavnagar by road?

The road journey from Belgaum to Bhavnagar takes approximately 14-15 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions.

3. Can I travel from Belgaum to Bhavnagar by train?

While there is no direct train route, you can take a train from Belgaum to Ahmedabad and then proceed to Bhavnagar by road or local train.

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