Distance Comparison: Aligarh to Satara by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Aligarh to Satara

Distance from Aligarh to Satara by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Aligarh, a city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, and Satara, a city located in the western Indian state of Maharashtra, are separated by a considerable distance. Traveling between these two cities can be done by various means of transportation, including road, sea, train, and air.

Distances and Travel Options

1. Distance from Aligarh to Satara by Road

The road distance from Aligarh to Satara is approximately 1,200 kilometers. This route offers the flexibility of traveling at your own pace and exploring the scenic beauty of the Indian landscape. It takes around 20-24 hours to cover this distance by road, depending on the traffic conditions and chosen route.

2. Distance from Aligarh to Satara by Train

Traveling by train is a popular and convenient option for long-distance journeys in India. However, there is no direct train connectivity between Aligarh and Satara. One can take a train from Aligarh to Pune, which is approximately 1,400 kilometers away, and then continue the journey to Satara by road or local transport.

3. Distance from Aligarh to Satara by Air

For a quicker and more comfortable journey, air travel is the ideal choice. The nearest airport to Aligarh is the Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi. From there, one can book a flight to the nearest airport to Satara, which is the Pune International Airport. The approximate aerial distance between the two cities is around 900 kilometers.

4. Distance from Aligarh to Satara by Sea

Since Aligarh is an inland city, there is no direct sea route to Satara. Sea travel is not a viable option for this particular journey.

Comparison Table

Travel Option Distance Estimated Travel Time
Road Approximately 1,200 km 20-24 hours
Train No direct train connectivity Varies
Air Approximately 900 km (aerial distance) Approximately 2-3 hours (including layovers)
Sea No direct sea route N/A

When it comes to traveling from Aligarh to Satara, the choice of transportation depends on various factors such as time constraints, budget, and personal preferences. While road travel allows for exploration and flexibility, air travel offers speed and convenience. Unfortunately, there is no direct train or sea route available for this journey. Consider your requirements and make an informed decision to ensure a pleasant and hassle-free journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a direct train from Aligarh to Satara?

No, there is no direct train connectivity between Aligarh and Satara. One can take a train from Aligarh to Pune and then continue the journey to Satara by road or local transport.

2. How long does it take to travel from Aligarh to Satara by road?

The road journey from Aligarh to Satara takes approximately 20-24 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and chosen route.

3. Which is the nearest airport to Satara?

The nearest airport to Satara is the Pune International Airport, which is approximately 120 kilometers away.

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