Distance Comparison: Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar

Distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Ahmednagar and Ulhasnagar are two vibrant cities in the state of Maharashtra, India. While they may be located relatively close to each other, the mode of transportation you choose can significantly affect your travel time and experience. Let’s explore the distances between Ahmednagar and Ulhasnagar by road, sea, train, and air.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by Road

The distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by road is approximately 229 kilometers. The journey takes around 4-5 hours, depending on traffic conditions and the route you take. The road trip offers scenic views of the countryside and allows you to explore the towns and villages along the way.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by Sea

As Ahmednagar and Ulhasnagar are inland cities, there is no direct sea route between them.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by Train

The distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by train is approximately 247 kilometers. There are no direct trains available between these two cities. However, you can take a train from Ahmednagar to Kalyan Junction and then continue the journey to Ulhasnagar by local transport. This train journey takes around 6-7 hours.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by Air

Although Ahmednagar has an airport, it currently does not have any direct flights to Ulhasnagar. The nearest airport to Ulhasnagar is Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai. You can take a flight from Ahmednagar to Mumbai and then travel to Ulhasnagar by road or train. The total travel time, including the flight and onward journey, is approximately 3-4 hours.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by Car

The distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by car is approximately 229 kilometers, similar to the road distance mentioned earlier. Traveling by car allows you the flexibility to stop at various points of interest along the way and offers a comfortable and convenient journey.

Comparison Table – Distances and Traveling Time

Mode of Transportation Distance Traveling Time
Road 229 kilometers 4-5 hours
Sea N/A N/A
Train 247 kilometers 6-7 hours
Air N/A 3-4 hours (including flight and onward journey)
Car 229 kilometers 4-5 hours

When considering the distance from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar, it is important to choose the mode of transportation that suits your preferences and requirements. If you enjoy road trips and want to explore the scenic countryside, traveling by car is an excellent option. On the other hand, if you prefer a faster journey, flying to Mumbai and then continuing by road or train might be more convenient.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel directly from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by sea?

No, as both cities are inland, there are no direct sea routes available between Ahmednagar and Ulhasnagar.

2. Are there any direct trains from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar?

No, there are no direct trains available. You can take a train from Ahmednagar to Kalyan Junction and then continue the journey to Ulhasnagar by local transport.

3. How long does it take to travel from Ahmednagar to Ulhasnagar by air?

The total travel time, including the flight and onward journey, is approximately 3-4 hours.

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