Distance Comparison: Ahmednagar to Satara by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Ahmednagar to Satara

Distance from Ahmednagar to Satara by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Ahmednagar and Satara are two beautiful cities located in the state of Maharashtra, India. While both cities have their own charm and attractions, it’s important to know the distances between them and the various modes of transportation available for travel.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Satara by Road

The distance from Ahmednagar to Satara by road is approximately 213 kilometers. The journey takes around 4 to 5 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken. You can either drive your own vehicle or hire a taxi to enjoy a scenic road trip through the picturesque landscapes of Maharashtra.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Satara by Train

There is no direct train connectivity between Ahmednagar and Satara. However, you can take a train from Ahmednagar to Pune, which is approximately 120 kilometers away from Satara. From Pune, you can either hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Satara. The total travel time by train and road can vary between 5 to 6 hours.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Satara by Air

The distance from Ahmednagar to Satara by air is approximately 160 kilometers. The nearest airport to Satara is Pune International Airport, which is well-connected to major cities in India. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Satara. The total travel time by air and road can vary between 2 to 3 hours, depending on the traffic conditions.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Satara by Sea

Since Ahmednagar and Satara are landlocked cities, there is no direct sea route available for travel.

Comparison Table – Distance and Travel Time

Mode of Travel Distance Travel Time
Road 213 km 4-5 hours
Train + Road Approx. 120 km 5-6 hours
Air + Road Approx. 160 km 2-3 hours

Whether you prefer a road trip, air travel, or a combination of train and road, there are multiple ways to travel from Ahmednagar to Satara. Consider the distance, travel time, and your personal preferences to choose the best mode of transportation for your journey. Enjoy the scenic beauty and cultural experiences that both cities have to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel from Ahmednagar to Satara by bus?

Yes, there are regular bus services available from Ahmednagar to Satara. The journey takes approximately 5 to 6 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken.

2. Are there any direct flights from Ahmednagar to Satara?

No, there are no direct flights from Ahmednagar to Satara. The nearest airport to Satara is Pune International Airport, from where you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Satara.

3. How far is Satara from Ahmednagar?

Satara is approximately 213 kilometers away from Ahmednagar by road.

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