Distance Comparison: Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar

Distance from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar by Road, Sea, Train and Air

Ahmednagar, a historical city in Maharashtra, is located in Western India, while Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha, is situated in Eastern India. If you are planning a trip from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar, it’s essential to know the distances and modes of travel available. Here, we explore the distances between these two cities by road, sea, train, and air.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar by Road

The road distance from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar is approximately 1,400 kilometers. The journey by road takes around 24-26 hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions. You can travel by car or hire a taxi to enjoy the scenic beauty along the way.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar by Sea

As Ahmednagar is a landlocked city, there is no direct sea route to Bhubaneswar. However, if you wish to explore the option of sea travel, you can reach the nearest coastal city, such as Mumbai or Chennai, and then take a flight or train to Bhubaneswar.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar by Train

The railway distance from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar is approximately 1,600 kilometers. There are no direct trains available between these two cities. However, you can take a train from Ahmednagar to Pune or Mumbai and then catch a connecting train to Bhubaneswar. The total travel time by train may vary between 30-40 hours, depending on the train schedules and layovers.

Distance from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar by Air

The aerial distance from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar is approximately 1,100 kilometers. The most convenient and time-saving way to travel between these two cities is by air. Several airlines operate regular flights from Ahmednagar’s nearest airport, Pune International Airport, to Bhubaneswar’s Biju Patnaik International Airport. The flight duration is around 2-3 hours, making it the quickest option for travel.

Comparison Table: Distances and Travel Times

Mode of Travel Distance Travel Time
By Road Approximately 1,400 km 24-26 hours
By Sea N/A N/A
By Train Approximately 1,600 km 30-40 hours
By Air Approximately 1,100 km 2-3 hours

When planning your journey from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar, consider the distances and various modes of travel available. If you prefer a scenic road trip, traveling by car is a good option. For a quick and comfortable journey, flying is the most convenient choice. Train travel can also be considered, but it involves longer travel times and multiple transfers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are there any direct flights from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar?

No, there are no direct flights from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar. However, you can take a connecting flight from Pune International Airport to Biju Patnaik International Airport in Bhubaneswar.

Q: How long does it take to travel from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar by car?

The road journey from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar takes approximately 24-26 hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions.

Q: Can I travel from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar by train?

Yes, you can travel from Ahmednagar to Bhubaneswar by train. However, there are no direct trains available. You will need to take a train from Ahmednagar to Pune or Mumbai and then catch a connecting train to Bhubaneswar.

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