Comparing Distances: Ambernath to Jalandhar by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar

Distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

Distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar by Road

The road distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar is approximately 1,550 kilometers. The journey takes around 24-28 hours, depending on traffic conditions and the route taken. The route usually involves traveling via National Highway 44, which connects the two cities.

Distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar by Sea

Since Ambernath is an inland city, there is no direct sea route to Jalandhar. Traveling by sea is not a feasible option for this particular journey.

Distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar by Train

The train distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar is approximately 1,370 kilometers. There are no direct trains between these two cities. However, one can take a train from Ambernath to Mumbai, and then board a train from Mumbai to Jalandhar. The journey by train usually takes around 24-28 hours, depending on the train schedule and connections.

Distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar by Air

The aerial distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar is approximately 1,050 kilometers. There are no direct flights between these two cities. However, one can take a flight from Mumbai Airport to Amritsar, which is the nearest airport to Jalandhar. From Amritsar, Jalandhar can be reached by road, which takes approximately 2-3 hours.

Distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar by Car

The distance from Ambernath to Jalandhar by car is approximately 1,550 kilometers, similar to the road distance mentioned earlier. It takes around 24-28 hours to cover this distance by car, depending on the traffic conditions and the route taken. This option provides flexibility and allows travelers to explore different places along the way.

Comparison of Different Modes of Travel

Mode of Travel Distance Traveling Time
Road 1,550 km 24-28 hours
Train 1,370 km 24-28 hours
Air 1,050 km Approximately 2-3 hours (including road travel)
Car 1,550 km 24-28 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any direct flights from Ambernath to Jalandhar?

No, there are no direct flights from Ambernath to Jalandhar. Travelers can take a flight from Mumbai to Amritsar, which is the nearest airport to Jalandhar.

2. How long does it take to travel from Ambernath to Jalandhar by train?

The train journey from Ambernath to Jalandhar takes approximately 24-28 hours, including the train connections.

3. What is the fastest mode of travel from Ambernath to Jalandhar?

The fastest mode of travel from Ambernath to Jalandhar is by air, with a travel time of approximately 2-3 hours (including road travel from Amritsar).

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