Agra to Ujjain: Distances by Road, Sea, Train, and Air

distance from Agra to Ujjain

Distance from Agra to Ujjain by Road, Sea, Train and Air

Exploring Travel Options

When planning a trip from Agra to Ujjain, it’s essential to consider the different modes of transportation available. The distance between these two cities can be covered by road, sea, train, or air. Let’s explore each option and compare the travel times.

Distance from Agra to Ujjain by Road

The road distance from Agra to Ujjain is approximately 577 kilometers. The journey takes around 9-10 hours, depending on the traffic conditions and the route you choose. The road trip offers a chance to witness the beautiful landscapes of central India and make stops at various attractions along the way.

Distance from Agra to Ujjain by Sea

As Ujjain is a landlocked city, traveling by sea is not a feasible option.

Distance from Agra to Ujjain by Train

The railway distance from Agra to Ujjain is around 480 kilometers. Several trains connect these two cities, offering a convenient way to travel. The journey takes approximately 7-8 hours, depending on the train and the route. Trains provide a comfortable and scenic journey, allowing you to enjoy the countryside views.

Distance from Agra to Ujjain by Air

The aerial distance from Agra to Ujjain is approximately 370 kilometers. The fastest way to reach Ujjain is by taking a flight from Agra to Indore, which is the nearest airport. From Indore, Ujjain is just a short drive away. The total travel time, including the flight and the road journey, is around 3-4 hours.

Comparison of Travel Options

Mode of Transportation Distance Travel Time
Road 577 km 9-10 hours
Train 480 km 7-8 hours
Air 370 km 3-4 hours

When traveling from Agra to Ujjain, you have several options to consider. If you prefer a scenic journey and have ample time, traveling by road or train can be a great choice. However, if you’re looking for a quicker option, taking a flight from Agra to Indore and then a short drive to Ujjain is the best way to go. Consider your preferences, budget, and time constraints to make the right decision for your journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I travel from Agra to Ujjain by ship?

No, Ujjain is a landlocked city, and there are no waterways connecting it to Agra.

2. How long does it take to travel from Agra to Ujjain by train?

The train journey from Agra to Ujjain takes approximately 7-8 hours, depending on the train and the route.

3. What is the fastest way to reach Ujjain from Agra?

The fastest way to reach Ujjain from Agra is by taking a flight from Agra to Indore and then traveling by road from Indore to Ujjain. The total travel time is around 3-4 hours.

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